As you may know, we have a Canada Geese problem in the Stone Oak community (over-population). The number of these birds has increased dramatically within the last few years and poses a health hazard to the community. This is why the Stone Oak Country Cub and the two homeowner associations have purchased a trained dog that chases the adult birds from the property.
It has been somewhat successful, however, additional measures must be taken to further control the current population from expanding to a larger number. Hence, there is a need to disrupt the nesting of the adult geese within the development. This spring the Stone Oak Maintenance Department, obtained a permit from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources --- Wildlife Division to disrupt any nesting of the Canada Geese here at Stone Oak. If these nesting birds are allowed to hatch their eggs, then the goslings with their families are here to stay till they can fly (midsummer) creating an unhealthy situation in our lakes, ponds, and on our shorelines. in addition to this dilemma, the young juveniles return to the same property next year to nest, increasing our current number to a larger overall bird population. You can assist by searching for nests on your property within the next few weeks. If you find an active nest with eggs, please notify the SOCC Maintenance Department and provide us permission to enter your property to addle or oil the eggs. This process prevents the young goslings from hatching. The effort is to prevent an overpopulation of the community. There will be no charge for the service. Please do not destroy the nests because the goose will lay additional eggs in a new nest nearby until June 1st and potentially beyond. We only have the permit for one season, however, with this type of bird population control one can realistically avoid increasing the number of geese in our ecosystem.
We will not harm the adult birds, however, we will take certain measures approved by the ODNR to prevent the eggs from hatching. This type of population control will definitely prevent the geese population from increasing to an unmanageable flock. Thank you very much for your cooperation and support of our goose control measures~
if you have any questions/concerns/comments, please contact the Maintenance Department and/or Bob Radachi, Director of Grounds at Stone Oak Country Club at or call him at 419-867-0969.