chevron_rightDoes the Stone Oak community have a Facebook Group?
Yes, the Stone Oak Community has a Facebook Group. It is a closed group, so access has to be approved by the Administrator. It is named Stone Oak Community Members. Please join to be involved with news and information in your community.
chevron_rightWhen is the Annual Meeting scheduled for the Stone Oak Homeowners Association?
The Stone Oak Homeowners Association Annual Meeting for all recorded property owners in Stone Oak usually occurs in early November of each year at the Stone Oak Country Club. This meeting reviews the completed and future community projects , financial reports, budget and election of the Board of Trustees and Officers.
chevron_rightDo I need approval to make any changes or improvements to my home or property?
Yes. The Architectural Control Committee and the Board of Trustees must approve any and all improvements, remodeling, modifications, construction and landscaping alterations to any and all properties in the Stone Oak community. The Architectural Control Committee Form is on the website and is downloadable and must be submitted with your plans. Once completed, it must be mailed to the Property Manager. You are not allowed to begin any modifications to your property until you receive official notification from the ACC Committee Chairman to proceed.
chevron_rightHow can I find the SOHA Financial Information?
Current Stone Oak Community property owners can view the financial information by using their login credentials and prospective buyers/owner can contact Stone Oak Community Property Management office.
chevron_rightHow much are the HOA dues in Stone Oak?
As of 1/2024, the HOA dues are $516 per year and are due each year on May 1st of that year for all property owners. Residents that reside in the Village of Stone Oak pay an additional Village HOA fee for mowing, landscaping and garbage collection. The HOA dues usually increase annually based on the consumer price index and cost of living increases that occur every year. The Board of Trustees takes aggressive action to collect delinquent annual dues by sending these accounts to a collection attorney. The SOHOA has the authority to place a lien on properties that are delinquent on paying the HOA dues. HOA dues are mailed to the SOHOA Property Manager, Erin Osstifin, GRI, at RE/MAX Preferred Associates, 1911 Indian Wood Circle, Suite B, Maumee, Ohio 43537.
chevron_rightHow do I obtain a current Stone Oak Homeowners Directory?
You can obtain a current SOHOA Directory by contacting the Stone Oak HOA Property Manager, Erin Osstifin, on the Contact Us menu on the website homepage.
chevron_rightAre Stone Oak Homeowners allowed to hold a garage or estate sale in the community?
Stone Oak homeowners are not allowed to hold any garage or estate sales on any property in the Stone Oak community. No part of a lot or structure may be used for business purposes. Therefore, garage sales, estate sales or other similar events are prohibited within Stone Oak.
chevron_rightIf I have a lost pet or a personal item in the community, who should I contact to get a notice sent to the residents in an email and/or on the website?
If you need to place a notice on the website or need an email blast sent out to the community. You can go to the Contact Us selection on the Left navigation bar and send us a message. Please send it to the Property Manager and the Webmaster on the SOHA website. Please include all of the pertinent information and a contact name and number.You can also join the Stone Oak Facebook page which is available to homeowners only. Please read the article on the Home Page regarding how to join the Facebook page.
chevron_rightWhat do I do if a street light is not operating or is damaged?
If you see a street light that is not operating or is damaged and want it repaired, contact First Energy at 1-888-LIGHTSS.
chevron_rightAre children allowed to drive golf carts in the community?
No. It is illegal for anyone under the age of 16 and without a valid driver's license to operate golf carts. The Lucas County Sheriff Department will stop any underage driver on the streets of the Stone Oak community.
chevron_rightCan I put up any type of mailbox on my property?
No. Metal and plastic mailboxes are strictly prohibited. If your mailbox is in disrepair or you are in need of a new mailbox, it can be purchased at Rentner Lumber and Supply, 6565 Angola Road. The design and color of the mailbox is to be submitted to the Architectural Control Committee for approval.
chevron_rightHow can I receive SOHA E-Blasts and access the resident directory?
Please submit your e-mail address to Erin Osstifin at eosstifin@metrotoledohomes.com. Being included in the e-mail list will allow you to receive timely "blast alerts" of things that are happening in the community, as well as reduce the mailing expenses. Also, join the private community residential directory on the website at www.stoneoak-community.com and join the community Facebook page.
chevron_rightCan I run or walk on the Stone Oak golf cart paths?
No. The golf course is maintained by the Stone Oak Country Club for golfers only. You are not allowed to walk dogs, ride bikes or jog on the cart paths. The cart paths and course are the property of Stone Oak Country Club and are to be used for golf only.